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Reviews, Articles, Information, Resources, Products and Services on a variety of categories can be found here.
I can continue my research and reviews to higher quality, as I learn them.
This is my Journal, the map of my Internet Travel.
I invite you, if you would like, to travel along with me on my journey through the Internet and review with me the interesting stops there are to be made!
This site will be added to as I go along, so feel free to come back to see what is new!

Internet Traveller

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Natural Health Supplements

Looking for Natural Health Supplements??

Internet Traveller

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Search Engines

How to Use Search Engines

The first stop in my journey left me stumbling over search engines, which one to use and how to use them?
Learning how to use the search engine to find information on kids, advice, money, education or entertainment; was rocky to say the least. Apparently, you can't just type in a word.

Its not like the "old school" Encyclopedia where you simply looked for the word and then information was there.
Technology has made huge advancements, which caused me a lot of confusion.

If you are not an avid user of the Internet, you may find like I did, that typing Temper Tantrums into a search engine will give you results that are not what you are looking for but have many links to ones that sound more related. Once I made that first click onto something I thought would be better it just led me down an endless clicking journey. And most of it was not what I was looking for.

I spent many sleepless nights being frustrated and completely lost with all the click here, sign up now, make money, how to's, and sites that had nothing to do with my search. Never mind the endless applications that you need to learn and keep up with to take advantage of doing any Internet or Social Networking.

To have success in finding what you are looking for, help the search engines by narrowing your search. Be specific. If you are looking for information on how you should deal with your 2yr old's Temper Tantrums, then type how to deal with 2yr old temper tantrums. Being specific narrows the search by about 700,000 sites.

Telling the search engines more specifically will enable them to rule out irrelevant sites and save you a lot of time and frustration.

Internet Traveller
